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Dell Wake On LAN (WOL)

Windows Service Update Server (WSUS) will patch the Windows OS (Windows 10, Windows 11, etc).

PDQ will deploy/patch 3rd party software (Chrome, Firefox, SAP, Acrobat Reader, etc). And I'm all for agent controlled systems like Ivanti/LANDesk/MobileIron.

AlienVault SEIM/USMA will track changes in the network.

Rapid7 will test for vulnerabilities and adhere to a standard.

But all the scheduling for after-hours scanning/patching/updating/deploying doesn't mean anything if the system isn't turned on.

As a Dell "shop", we are familiar with some of the abilities that are available, such as Dell Command Update:
dcu /scan

But Dell also has Dell Command PowerShell. This is a PowerShell module to control BIOS settings. Wait... what? Yup... awesome!

First, let's get the module which is convently stored in the PowerShell Gallery:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module -Name DellBIOSProvider

Note that PDQ recently put out a HowTo install PowerShell Modules through PDQ:

After the PowerShell module is deployed, there are get/set commands to do the following:

  • set the WOL to enabled.
    gi .\WakeOnLan
    si .\WakeOnLan LanOnly -verbose
    (Disabled | LanOnly | WlanOnly | LanWlan | LanWithPXEoot)
  • set the DEEPSLEEP to disabled.
    gi .\DeepSleepCtrl
    si .\DeepSleepCtrl Disabled -verbose
    (Disabled | S5Only | S4AndS5)
  • set the BLOCKSLEEP to enabled.
    gi .\BlockSleep
    si .\BlockSleep Enabled -verbose
    (Disabled | Enabled)

There are other settings as well such as get/set the wifi feature.

Note: here is the KB that has the matrix of when WOL will/won't work:


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