
You are here: Blog HAFNIUM Scheduled Tasks

HAFNIUM Scheduled Tasks

HAFNIUM exploit for Exchange servers has caught everyone by storm.

In short, see if there are any IOC by running a script Test-ProxyLogon.ps1:

Next, run the Microsoft Support Emergency Response Tool (MSERT) to eliminate any glaring errors:

The notes on the MSERT are here:

Some are reporting about Scheduled Tasks doing damage. Here is how to view the Scheduled Tasks:

Get-ScheduledTask |select taskname,actions -ExpandProperty actions |select taskname,execute,arguments |ft -wrap

Some reports of newly created accounts/group so let's check those as well:

$days = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Property whenCreated | where {$_.whenCreated -gt $days} | ft Name, whenCreated
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Property whenChanged | where {$_.whenChanged -gt $days} | ft Name, whenChanged
Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Property whenCreated | where {$_.whenCreated -gt $days} | ft Name, whenCreated
Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Property whenChanged | where {$_.whenChanged -gt $days} | ft Name, whenChanged

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