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Set Out of Office for Mailboxes in Exchange 2013

Want to set an out of office reply for an account in Exchange 2013? Here's how:


To get the current settings:

Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration foo.user


To set the Out of Office reply:

Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration foo.user -AutoReplyState Scheduled `
-StartTime “10/14/2019” -EndTime “12/15/2019” `
-ExternalMessage “Type External automatic reply here” `
-InternalMessage “Type External automatic reply here”


It can be tough to set escpecially if you have double-quotes. The backtick when used at the end of the line is used to join to the next line. Also, the backtick is used to escape the double-quote. Example for escaping quotes:

Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration foo.user –AutoReplyState Scheduled `
-StartTime “10/14/2019” -EndTime “12/15/2019” `
–ExternalMessage “<html><head><meta name=`"Generator`" content=`"Microsoft Exchange Server`"><!-- converted from text --><style><!-- .EmailQuote { margin-left: 1pt; padding-left: 4pt; border-left: #800000 2px solid; }--></style></head><body><font size=`"2`"><span style=`"font-size:10pt;`"><div class=`"PlainText`">Hello,<br><br>I'm out of office due to sudden medical leave. Please contact Other User ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) or Other User2 ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) in my absence. I will have limited email access.<br> <br>Thank you.</div></span></font></body></html>” `
-InternalMessage “<html><head><meta name=`"Generator`" content=`"Microsoft Exchange Server`"><!-- converted from text --><style><!-- .EmailQuote { margin-left: 1pt; padding-left: 4pt; border-left: #800000 2px solid; }--></style></head><body><font size=`"2`"><span style=`"font-size:10pt;`"><div class=`"PlainText`">Hello,<br><br>I'm out of office due to sudden medical leave. Please contact Other User ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) or Other User2 ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) in my absence. I will have limited email access.<br> <br>Thank you.</div></span></font></body></html>”



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