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Setup Send Connector in Exchange 2013 With Custom Port Number

Setup Send Connector in Exchange 2013 With Custom Port Number

  • -login to ECP.
  • -click MAIL-FLOW (left-hand side).
  • -click SEND-CONNECTORS (top)
  • -click the "+" symbol.
  • -name it anything you want. Let's say "foo-send-connector".
  • -bullet CUSTOM.
  • -click NEXT.
  • -click the "+" symbol.
  • -type in the IP ADDRESS of the server you want to deliver the mail to.
  • -click SAVE.
  • -click NEXT.
  • -click NEXT.
  • -click the "+" symbol.
  • -type in the domain name that will be used for this sending setup.
    In other words, this setup is only going to be used with a particular domain name; contoso.com. In another way, when sending to contoso.com use the following custom smtp route instead of the normal smtp route.
  • -click the "+" symbol.
  • -select the server that this will apply to.
    Small setups will probably only have 1 server.
  • -click FINISH.

Now this will work. But it is setup on the default port 25. This is standard. But what if you want a non-standard port. Let's say because the SAP setup is out of your control.

-start the EMS.

-type: Get-SendConnector |fl
This will allow you to see the complete Send Connector setup in the steps above. You will notice the Port number is in the setup.

-type: Set-SendConnector -identity "foo-send-connector" -Port:587

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