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RSA Appliance Version 8 Reset Password

The Good About RSA Security Appliance

RSA is really secure.

The Bad About RSA Security Appliance

RSA is really secure so figuring out what the current password is, is just about so difficult that many have to revert to writing down the password to remember it. This, coincidentally, weakens security.

If you forget the SUPER-USER password in RSA APPLIANCE, then you might be in a tough place.

Here's how to reset the SUPER-USER password in RSA APPLIANCE VERSION 8 (very high level. This is not detailed information. I will not be explaining how to do step-by-step).

  • -ssh into the rsa-box
  • -change directories to: /opt/rsa/am/utils
  • -run the following command: ./rsautil restore-admin –u tempadmin
  • -follow the screen prompts. You will need your OC username & password (not SC username & password).
  • -user the tempadmin account to reset the SUPER-USER account.

NOTE: the tempadmin user access expires after 24 hours.

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