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Adobe Lightroom High CPU on Mac OSX

Another article on the internet about Adobe Lightroom with high cpu on Mac OSX because, well, it's a problem (and Apple doesn't care).

  • -close Lightroom app.
  • -delete: /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Lightroom6.plist
  • -delete: /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Lightroom6.LSSharedFileList.plist
  • -delete anything else that looks like it belongs to Lightroom in: /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/
  • -delete anything that looks like it belongs to Lightroom in: /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Adobe/
  • -delete anything that looks like it belongs to Lightroom in: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/
  • -delete anything that looks like it belongs to Lightroom in: /Users/<username>/Library/Caches/Adobe/
  • -open LIGHTROOM


  • -uncheck "Select the current/previous import collection during import."
  • -click PERFORMANCE (at the top).
  • -uncheck "Use Graphics Processor."
  • -make sure the import folder that it is trying to import from exists. In other words, sometimes the last import location is a external drive that doesn't exist anymore. Change it to somewhere neutral like the DESKTOP.

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