
You are here: Blog remote desktop connection cannot verify the identity of the computer that you want to connect to

remote desktop connection cannot verify the identity of the computer that you want to connect to

You are on a Mac. You want to use REMOTE DESKTOP CONNECTION (rdp). When you try and use it to connect to a WINDOWS SERVER, you get,"remote desktop connection cannot verify the identity of the computer that you want to connect to."


-upgrade the a newer version of REMOTE DESKTOP CONNECTION via APP STORE on the MAC.

This will work if you are on v10.7 and higher. This will not work on 10.6.8 and lower. I suppose in 08/2015 that a more up-to-date OSX version is mostly everywhere but I still prefer stability. And that means 10.6.8. Looks like it's time to upgrade the OSX.

-get CORD.

Download. Install. Voila!

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