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VPN, Home Network Not Set to Private

Here is how to diagnose remotely.

  1. Show network connections (in CMD):
    netsh wlan show interfaces
  2. Get the profile:
    get-netconnectionprofile -name "wifi-profile-name-here"
  3. If the get-netconnectionprofile/set-netconnectionprofile says "Provider load failure" then check the bitness:
    (If says "false" then you are running 32-bit.)
  4. Get the profile (in Powershell):
    get-netconnectionprofile -name "wifi-profile-name-here"
  5. Set the profile to Private (in Powershell):
    set-netconnectionprofile -name "wifi-profile-name-here" -NetworkCategory Private
  6. Set the firewall to allow:
    Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup 'File And Printer Sharing' -Enabled True -Profile 'Private, Domain'


Here is the registry key to change the CATEGORY (1 = private, 0 = public):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles

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