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Exchange 2013 Room Lists

Exchange 2013 Room Lists exist.

To get a list of all the room resources:

get-mailbox |? {$_.resourcetype -eq "room"}

Just as mailboxes can be part of a group/distribution-group, the room resources can be part of a group/distribution-group. These are groups do not show in the ECP.

To get a list of all the roomlist groups:

get-DistributionGroup |? {$_.recipienttypedetails -eq "roomlist"}

To create a new roomlist group:

New-DistributionGroup conference-rooms-foo -RoomList

To add a member to the roomlist group:

Add-DistributionGroupMember conference-rooms-foo -Member foomember1

To get a list of all the members of a roomlist group:

get-DistributionGroupMember conference-rooms-foo

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