
You are here: Blog Block iPhone from Exchange Account | Data Wipe iPhone via Exchange

Block iPhone from Exchange Account | Data Wipe iPhone via Exchange

Here's how to get the details of any connections to an Exchange mailbox:

Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -mailbox foo.user |select deviceuseragent,lastsuccesssync,deviceid

Data Wipe an iPhone that has an Exchange account on it:

Clear-MobileDevice foo.user

Get-MobileDevice -mailbox foo.user |Clear-MobileDevice

If you need to cancel the wipe:

Get-MobileDevice -mailbox foo.user |Clear-MobileDevice -cancel

If you need to simply remove the relationship:

Get-MobileDevice -mailbox foo.user |Remove-MobileDevice



get-help mobile

get-help get-mobiledevice

get-help Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -full

get-help clear-mobiledevice -full

get-help remove-mobiledevice -full

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