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SuperMicro Intelligent Management

Wow! I'm learning a whole bunch about SuperMicro Intelligent Management. It basically provides a way to control the physical server from a remote location. Or as they put it you can have "system management in a pre-OS or an OS-absent environment." Pretty cool.

I can view the bios, change bios settings, change IP settings, view the screen as if I were sitting right in front of the server. Again, pretty cool.

A couple of notes for me:

-CONSOLE REDIRECTION and KVM CONSOLE and CONSOLE REDIRECTION and IPMI are all the same type of item and refer to the same item, a remote console.

-SOL is SERIAL OVER LAN. I do not know what this is but I think it's passe. I'll check and report if I find differently.

Here you can get the IPMIView:


But you don't need it. Just hit the IP address of the IPMI nic in INTERNET-EXPLORER (will not work in FIREFOX) and a login page will show. The default user/pass is:

  • (case-sensitive)

You may have to add the ip address to the JAVA security section before this will work:

  • -start > control-panel > java
  • -click SECURITY tab (at the top).
  • -click EDIT-SITE-LIST
  • -type your ip-address like so:
  • -click OK > OK

To add an ISO:


From here you can add an ISO, IMA, USB, etc

To update the SUPERMICRO BIOS:

  • -get a bootable ISO here: http://pingtool.org/downloads/fd11src_live.iso
  • -get the bios zip file for your motherboard from the supermicro web site
  • -extract the bios zip files
  • -open AMI.BAT in a text-editor
  • -comment out the following lines by adding the double colon (::) in front of the lines:
  • -manually rename AFUDOSU.SMC to AFUDOSU.EXE
  • -download the MAGICISO program.
  • -install MAGICISO.
  • -start MAGICISO.
  • -open the bootable ISO.
  • -add the bios files to the FREEDOS > 3RDPARTY folder
  • -save the ISO (click file > save).
  • -connect the ISO to the VIRTUAL-MEDIA (as above).
  • -choose FREEDOS from the menu.
  • -change to the 3RDPARTY folder: cd 3RDPARTY
  • -type: AMI filename.xxx (ie: ami X10SLM5.c21)
  • -hit ENTER
  • -wait.
  • -wait more.
  • -wait longer.
  • -eventually it will complete.
  • -once you get the message "System must power-off to have the changes take effect!", turn the power-off on the IMPI.
  • -disconnect the ISO.
  • -power-on the system.
  • -let it reboot 4 times on it's own.
  • -once it reboots to something, enter the bios and reset to the defaults (this is necessary as there are defaults that cannot be manually changes and must be set).
  • -reboot again and enter bios.
  • -set your bios options to your preference.


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