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DDPE Recovery

So let's say you have DDPE encrypting the full drive. The drive won't boot. Now you can access your computer and the files you can access are encrypted so you can't read them. What do you do?

Well if you have the encryption keys, you'll be able to retrieve the documents with a set of tools from Dell called the DDPE Administrative Utilities.

  • -build a WINDOWS PE disk from a working computer (how to do this is outside the scope of this document).
  • -copy over the DELL WINDOWS RECOVERY KIT (really what we need are the unzipped OFFLINE TOOLS, more specifically the cmgau.exe. See below.)
  • -copy over the encryption keys (It'll say something like LSARecovery_machine-name-here.exe).
  • -boot from the USB
  • -exit out of OPAL SED
  • -at the command prompt go to e:\dell-offline-admin-32bit-version-number-here\
  • -type: cmgau.exe -o
  • -type in the directories you want decrypted.
  • -point to the LSARecovery_machine-name-here.exe
  • -type in the PASSWORD for the LSARecovery_machine-name-here.exe

The process with decrypt the DDPE directories that you specified. You will have to wait for it to decrypt and then transfer those documents over to a working drive.

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