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The Power of a RedHat Server

Redhat_LogoThe week after Christmas is a great time to clean up and plan for the next year. I was going through some old info from a few years ago and pulled out a sheet I printed up. It goes something like this:

  • 1 Server
  • P4 3.0Ghz
  • 1GB ram
  • 663 users
  • 53 websites

And it was running on a T1 (or 1.44Mbps) at the time which happened to be the slow point in whole scenario.

Now the servers are hosted at a datacenter with redundant fiber connections and the office location where the server was has a Metro E (11.00Mbps), which is a partial fiber line.

So what's the point? The point is you can host a whole lot of web sites and users on relatively old computer if you know what you are doing.

Another point is, if you're a serious business, have a serious business equipment at a serious business datacenter. It isn't worth it to try and save costs. That document was the goad to rouse me and move the servers to a datacenter.

A last point is, I love a supported Linux. This particular flavor was a RedHat server.

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